5/18/2021 Council Meeting Recap

Hello Hudson! We have had some really fantastic weather recently. It has been so nice to get outside again and explore the great outdoors of Hudson. 

I did not do a recap of last week’s Council workshop because the City did a summary and frankly, I couldn’t have done a better job. You can read that summary of the May 11 workshop here

This week we had a regularly scheduled Council meeting. Here is where you can view the City’s synopsis of the meeting, the full agenda can be viewed here, and if you want to watch the meeting, you can do so here.

Correspondence and Council Comments

I suggest reading the city’s recap of this (linked above) to get the full list of items mentioned here. The one item of note I do want to call out is the discussion on the downtown development (Phase 2) survey. That deserves it’s own blog, as my thoughts on this are pretty lengthy, so you can read that here.

Report of the Manager

The new outdoor dining furniture for the downtown area will be in sometime in June, as well as four new port-a-potties which will be located by Park Lane and First Street. 

Discussion Items 

8. A. 21-0041 Proposed Founders Day Parade

Brief Description: Staff and City Council will continue the discussion of the proposed Founders

My Take: This looks like it’s a go! Thanks to Hudson Community Foundation for partnering with the city to make this happen. We are hopeful that funds will be able to be raised so that the entire cost of this does not fall back on the city. It is anticipated that this would take place on Monday morning of Labor Day weekend. 

8. B. 21-0042 Use of American Recovery Plan (ARP) Funds

Brief Description: This is a discussion with City Council on the use of the $4.36 million in federal funds available to the City as part of the American Rescue Plan.

My Take: Staff presented some ideas to Council on possible uses for these funds, and Council gave staff some feedback and asked them to come back to us with additional options involving updates to our sewer system to get people off septic systems. This is only the beginning of this conversation. 

Last week I had my third town all of 2021. Thank you to all who attended! I sincerely love hearing from all of you. This will (hopefully) be the last virtual town hall, as I plan to hold the next one in-person. No date has been set for the next one, but keep your eyes peeled. I will try to schedule that soon!

Follow my Facebook and Twitter for frequent updates!

Have questions? Want to share your thoughts with me on any of the agenda items or issues listed above? As always, I would love to have a conversation! Email me directly at nkowalski@hudson.oh.us.


6/1 Meeting & 6/8 Workshop Recaps


What’s going on with Phase 2?