10/5 Meeting & 10/12 Workshop Recaps

Hello and happy Saturday, Hudson! Thanks for reading.

October 5 Council Meeting

The city has done an excellent job of summarizing the meeting, and I do not have much to add to their recap. You can read it here

One thing I do want to bring your attention to is that the City will hold a second Phase 2 Public Open House on Thursday, October 21 at 7 p.m. at City Hall on Terex Road. Fairmount Properties will be on hand to answer questions. Residents who cannot attend can provide their comments on the proposed project by visiting https://LetsTalk.Hudson.oh.us.

October 12 Council Workshop

You can read the city’s recap of this workshop here, and view the agenda here.

Discussion Items:

We had some lengthy discussions on a number of topics. Here are some thoughts on some of them. 

  • E. Streetsboro Street and Stow Road Sidewalk Project Discussion – Consultants presented some recommendations to Council. These were largely which side of the street the sidewalks would have the most benefit. Council agreed to move forward with the consultant’s recommendations. 

  • 5-Year Plan – We continued our budget discussion with a presentation from staff on the general fund, roads, storm water, sidewalk & trail, and service budgets. Council requested that the Police chief and someone from IT come to answer questions that were raised. 

  • Preferred Hauler Program for Residential Trash & Recycling Services – Council discussed whether or not staff could explore an option which would reduce the number of haulers in Hudson down to two. Council believes reducing the number of haulers who operate in Hudson would help solve many issues, and having fewer trucks on the road would mitigate wear and tear on our roads as well as benefit our environment by reducing emissions.

Apply for a Hudson Board or Commission!

We are currently accepting applications for openings on the following boards or commissions: Board of Zoning and Building Appeals, Cemetery Board, Hudson Community Television Advisory Committee, and Planning Commission

Applications will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, November 5.

Read more about it here. You can apply online here.  

 Follow my Facebook and Twitter for frequent updates!

Have questions? Want to share your thoughts with me on any of the agenda items or issues listed above? As always, I would love to have a conversation! Email me directly at nkowalski@hudson.oh.us.


Thank you, Hudson! We did it!


9/21 Meeting & 9/28 Workshop Recaps + Phase 2 Open Forum