Working for Hudson. Trusted by you.  

  • Currently serving as an At-Large member of Council

  • Works as a Creative Director in the field of advertising

  • Previously served on the Hudson Environmental Awareness Committee (EAC)

  • Volunteer board member of Hudson Community First

  • Member of Leadership Hudson class of 2020

  • Member of the Hudson Rotary Club

  • Recipient of YWCA Greater Cleveland’s 2019 Distinguished Young Woman Award

Whether it is one year from now or 20, balancing the inevitable growth of our city with the immediate needs of the community is – and should remain – the number one priority.

A voice of reason.

Hudson residents love their city - for its small-town feel, friendliness, activities and historic downtown. We see each other at the grocery store, at Hudson Springs Park, at the Farmer’s Market, and sporting and school events. 

But recently, fissures have occurred over several issues facing the city, including the Phase II downtown development, expansion of Velocity Broadband, and the city budget.

We need leadership that will unite all. We need to keep Nicole on Council because she is capable of working with everyone, listening, and finding consensus.


A nonpartisan approach to city issues.

There is no room for partisan politics in local issues like downtown development, roads, taxes, and other services that protect and enrich the lives of our families. Local issues are NOT partisan and can’t be decided along party lines. My votes on Council are not influenced by any political party, political ideologies, or lobbyists. The decisions I make are grounded in research and data, fiscally sound, and take into account input from those I represent. 


“Nicole has energetically jumped into public service since arriving in Hudson eight years ago. We are impressed with her public-spiritedness and believe she has brought a fresh and balanced presence to our City government.”

— Pat Simons, Hudson Resident


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